Children's Dentistry


Smiling toddler

Infant’s First visit

For new parents, we follow the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry - "first visit by the first birthday". Recognizing the short attention span of 1 year olds, we will demonstrate proper oral hygiene techniques, perform an exam, and discuss your child's eating, feeding, and oral habits with you.

Preventive Care

Mom and child brushing their teeth

Prevention is always better than treatment. Brush your teeth twice daily using any soft-bristled tooth brush. We also recommend the use of modern electric tooth brushes such as Sonicare and Braun for children needing extra care. Floss daily to remove plaque between teeth that you can't reach with regular brushing. Parents can help with brushing and flossing until their child has mastered these skills- usually about age 9 to 12 years.

Always rinse thoroughly with water after brushing (or after meals if you are unable to brush.). Children with cavities will benefit from the use of ACT fluoride rinse, to help prevent cavities from forming in between the teeth.

Smile Design and Building

Father with small children

Smile Design and Building allows adult teeth to grow in their proper position giving a more beautiful and healthy smile. Between 6 and 12 years of age most adult teeth erupt but very often there are problems with the space for the adult teeth. Left unattended teeth erupt haphazardly resulting in an awkward smile- the “Ugly Duckling Stage”.

Simple treatment, changes the order that teeth grow in or the space available so a more beautiful smile develops. Additionally, it simplifies any future orthodontic care.

Sealants and Fillings

Brother and sister outside together

Normal pits and grooves on the chewing surfaces of back teeth can trap food that can't easily be removed by brushing resulting in cavities these areas. A sealant is a tough and durable plastic material designed to bond (stick) to tooth enamel sealing those cavity prone pits and grooves reducing the chance for cavities.

White composite fillings are more than just attractive. They require minimal tooth drilling, in other words less healthy tooth structure is removed to restore the tooth, and that’s a good thing!

Crowns and Baby root canals

Girl wearing crown

A crown or a cap covers the tooth and restores it to its original shape and size. Decay is removed from the tooth and a preformed crown, either silver or tooth colored is placed over the tooth. Unlike adult crowns, in which the crown is made to fit the tooth, which requires two appointments, baby crowns are placed in one visit, because the tooth is shaped to fit the crown.

Decay that has reached the nerve of a baby tooth can be extremely painful. We recommend a baby root canal so the tooth can comfortably remain in place until it can fall out naturally. Unlike adult root canals, this is a very short and comfortable procedure.

Space maintainers

Girl with missing tooth

When your child prematurely loses a baby tooth, a space maintainer often is needed. A space maintainer -- a combination of rings and wires - holds the remaining teeth in a position so the future permanent tooth can erupt in the proper location.

Tooth Whiting

Group of teens

Your smile is frequently the first thing people notice. Tooth whiting or bleaching can brighten your smile, while enhance your appearance and confidence. It can whiten the color of naturally dark teeth or restore the youthful color of aged teeth.

Patient Comfort

Mom with laughing baby

Dr. Steve Nerad's office was designed for infants, children and teens. Our facilities are designed to make kids feel right at home. The park like atmosphere helps children relax and enjoy their experience. Children deserve to experience a gentle, caring approach to their dental care.

We offer nitrous oxide (laughing gas) for the slightly anxious child to make their filling visit pleasant. An extremely safe option, nitrous oxide helps a child who is cooperative feel more relaxed and not worried about their appointment. We think all children should look forward to their visits.

Laser Cavity Detection


Detecting cavities when they are small minimizes the amount of tooth structure that needs to be removed. Like cancer, the sooner you get it out, the better. The Diagnodent is a fluorescing laser that helps us detect decay at it earliest stage, so that very small, non-invasive preventive resin restorations can be placed instead of standard, large fillings.

Using the Diagnodent replaces the technique of pushing the sharp dental hook into the tooth to see if it sticks to check if there is a cavity present. Not only is it more effective, it is much kinder. It helps us detect decay that might previously have gone unnoticed, helping prevent further or more extensive damage to the tooth. Additionally, the Diagnodent helps distinguish dark stains in the grooves of teeth from decay.

Mouth Guards

Teen with baseball bat

Mouth guards protect the teeth and mouth from serious injury. They are recommended to be worn during contact sports or activities likely to result in a blow to the mouth or chin. Not only can they help cushion and protect the teeth against bumps and bangs but can prevent more serious injuries like tooth fractures, tooth displacement, tooth evulsion (knocked out of the mouth), and even concussions.

Sedation and Hospital Dentistry

Child sleeping

Dr. Nerad and staff are committed to the comfort and care of your child. We want your child to have a pleasant visit and look forward to future visits. Most children can have all their care without sedation. Some children will benefit from sedation dentistry.

Various levels of sedation or awareness are possibly depending on your child’s needs. Ask us which would best help your child.

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